Place apples in a large pot and cover with 6 cups of water.
On high heat, boil the water and let the apples simmer for about 30 minutes until soft. Once soft, transfer to a blender.
Wet a large cheesecloth and fill it with the cooked apples and water. Hang the cheesecloth over a large bowl and let drip until all the liquid has drained. Allow the juice to strain overnight.
The next day prepare the canning jars.
Measure out 4.5 cups of the strained juice. Add the apple juice to a large pot along with the sweetener and lemon juice.
Bring to a boil for about 10 minutes. Carefully skim off any excess foam.
While the apple juice is boiling, add 1 tbsp of Earl Grey tea leaves to 1 cup of boiled water and steep for 3 minutes.
Once the juice has boiled, add in the steeped tea and 1 package of Bernardin No Sugar Needed Fruit Pectin, 49-g. Continue to boil until temperature reaches 218°F.
When the jelly reaches temperature, immediately pour it into the canning jars, seal and process in a water bath for 5 minutes.
Tip: To test to see if your jelly has set, place a small 1 tsp of jelly onto a plate and freeze for 1-2 minutes. If the edges start to jell, then your jelly is ready. If not, continue boiling for a few minutes and repeat the process.